Tuesday, March 2, 2010

today, I had to work

A new year has begun and so it seems a new me also. So, why not a new try at the blog.

Today I worked from 8:15 to 7:45 with small breaks and meals in between. My feet hurt, my head is starting to pound, but I got an hour and a 1/2 of over time! woohoo!

My friend Josh finally admitted that is is dating/in l___ with my other friend Jessica! Great news! I can not tell you of the hours I have spent in the awkward company of those two and no words being spoken. Me not blabbing away . . . unheard of. We all could feel it, and now it is all better!

I don't have work for the next two days, so life will be beach-y and zen filled! Like a jelly filled donut.

And now, for the past hour and ten minutes, I have been over hearing a man yell at his ex over the phone. The world is a soap opera for the watching!

I also have put a new effort into my book. if you see me remind me to write EVERYDAY!

quote of the day: ME: "$20 says his girlfriend slept with his best friend in vegas!"
Girls at table across from me: "you're on."